Xenical Side Effects

Xenical Side Effects


English: Intermediate magnification micrograph...
English: Intermediate magnification micrograph of a normal gallbladder. H&E stain. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Xenical is a popular drug used for reducing the extra calorie and helps in maintaining the body weight .This medication is taken by those suffering from obesity and similar condition.

However Xenical is not considered to be a safe drug for many patients .It is known to be responsible for several side effects .There are patients known to suffer from serious after effect of this drug. Some of the commonly identified side effects are discussed below.


The drug is known to have adverse effect in our liver .It is recommended to contact your family physician if you suffer from the following conditions:

  • Itchy skin.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Change in the color of bowel (lighter than natural color)
  • Jaundice.
  • Pin in upper abdomen.

The molecules present in Xenical tend to become a potential barrier and prohibits the absorption of certain vitamins. Xenical is known to be a potential danger to beta carotene and vitamin A, K, E, D.


The function of our kidney might get disrupted due to the negative effects of Xenical. Therefore it is essential to contact your medical practitioner if you  notice any of the below side effects:

  • Insufficient urine discharge.
  • Traces of blood in the urine.
  • Swelling of limbs.
  • Lack of appetite
  • Vomiting and nausea tendency
  • Frequent urination accompanied by acute pain
  • Severe pain in groin, neck and belly.


The medication is known to affect the gallbladder .it is essential to contact a medical practitioner if you find the following complications.

  • Vomiting.
  • Pain and Sore in the upper part of  the abdomen( right side).

Some other notable side effects of Xenical are

  • It has been noted that continuous consumption of Xenical resulted in oil discharge from the rectum.
  • Continuous release of  odorous gas along with some minute oily discharge.( brown or orange color)
  • The bowel movements increase.
  • Drowsiness, mood swings.
  • The drug is responsible for dehydrating the body thus the patient consuming Xenical tends to drink abnormal amount of water.

According to FDAXenical is strictly forbidden during pregnancy. As it is known to interfere the growth process of the fetus.

Xenical is not safe for our body .It seems to affect every single part of human body:

  • Known to create problem with gums and teeth.
  • Traces of rash and itchy felling in skin.
  • Responsible for unwanted back pain  and headache.
  • Accompanies common cold symptoms like cough, sneeze and stuffy nose

The hematologic conditions related to Xenical are it reduces prothrombin, dis-balances the treatment of anticoagulant and rise in INR .

Some of the rare dermatological condition related to Xenical is bulbous eruptions.

Xenical is known to interfere with the genitourinary conditions as well. Several feedbacks indicates that women consuming Xenical are suffering from adverse side effects .Some of the alarming issues are: it contributes in menstrual irregularities, UTI and vaginitis

Apart from affecting the health Xenical is known to effect human psychology by making the patient depressed .

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